Friday, June 25, 2010

How Can You Control Fleas Naturally

If your pets catch flea it is surely very irritating. It is not only uncomfortable to your pet but also to you. Fleas can often catch human beings resulting in itching, skin irritation and so on. 

Most of the pet owners choose chemical products to do away with fleas easily. But these chemical products are not only harmful for your pet but also for you and your family. They have harmful impacts on the environment. Natural flea control is the best choice you can have.

Your pets will not be subject to infestation if you follow a natural flea control regime on a daily basis. Try to eliminate the fleas at the very sight of them. It is necessary to get rid of them before the problem is Fighting fleas in a natural way is quite easy. 

Wash the beddings of your pet in warm water using plenty of bleach and soap. Wash your own beddings as well. Use vacuum cleaner to clean the corners of your house. Make sure there is no damp place in your home because fleas love damp places. Try to keep the carpet and your pet’s bedding clean and dry. This will help you to fight fleas to a great extent. 

Go for steam cleaning the carpet because carpet is one of the favorite places of the fleas. You can add essential oils such as pennyroyal, rosemary, peppermint to the steam water because fleas hate these oils and avoid areas where these essential oils are spread.

 Diluted essential oil can be also applied to the back of the pet’s neck. Pet flea control also becomes easier when you choose diet as natural flea control. Brewer’s yeast is one of the best treat you can offer to your pet. Not only your pet enjoys it but fleas dislike the taste and smell brewer’s yeast will give the pet. 

So fleas will stay Another great way of getting rid of fleas is to use flea combs. This product is available in almost every pet store. Combing your pet frequently can help you to get rid of fleas.

Captain Zack - Excuse Me, Fleas Dog Shampoo. Anti-Microbial and pH Balanced. Protects Against Fleas, Ticks and Maintains Overall Skin Health, Natural Moisturizing Shampoo

1 comment:

Arnold said...

very nice
